22 May 2019
(Wednesday 9:00 -12:00)
Practical Discovery Workshop
Preparing for Innovation in the 4th Industrial Revolution
Answering the question:
How might we prepare and steer our enterprise through the disruption caused by Industry 4.0?
We'll explain how the technology disruption may influence business and how societal changes may impact on our enterprise. Then we'll discover how focusing on doing, thinking and communicating in a certain way can help us to rapidly adapt and set us on a path to innovation.
Concepts covered:
- The technologies of Industry 4.0
- The modes of disruption
- Your team and how you do things
- Your leadership and how you think and act
- Communicating the way forward
- Innovation from a customer perspective
Venue: Signal ICT Grad School, 123 Vogel Street, Dunedin
Date: 22 May from 09:00 - 12:00

Sponsored by Callaghan Innovation
Hosted by Signal ICT Grad School

StoneToStars Ltd